Little Millet
Category: Millets
The little millet may be called little but in no means its nutritional content is little. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It also provides essential fats to the body, the kind that helps in weight loss. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice.
Little millet is also called as king of cereals because of its rich nutritional and medicinal value. It contains high phosporous. It especially good for people who has low body mass. Few recipes which can be prepared using little millet are Samai Dosai, Samai idli, Samai kichadi, Samai pongal, Samai rice.
Millets are gluten free and rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. Little millet is rich in cholesterol, when consumed increases good cholesterol in the body, suitable for growing kids. Little millet strengthens the body. It’s complex carbohydrates digest slowly which is very helpful for diabetic patients.